Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Symphony of Love

Sometimes in life we're faced with dilemmas.

When I blogged: Should we cling on to luxury beauty ideals? Braces or not?, one of the girls and I were trying to find out how we thought about the way the orthodontist almost forced her to get fixed braces. Something was withholding us, and that day we were aware that talking about braces in a time of recession isn't quite right when you're not experiencing physical problems.
We decided the money was far better spent on other things, like lifesaving treatment for babies.

The first comment was from Symphony of Love and even though I don't know the commenter, the kindness I've found in her blog radiated through her comment.

Symphony of Love is written in Singapore, but the subjects she blogs about are close to my heart.
When reading I feel that people all over the world are connected and the world will be a better place when we all give our best.

The quotations that are used in the blog are very inspiring, and it's well worth to join the mailinglist and get a love quote in the mail each day.
And maybe you want to download Symphony of Love: a Pictorial eBook of Love Quotations.
It's such a lovely gift for each and everyone of us.

When you click the links under the header you'll find out how the idea of the eBook was born.

The archives reach back to 2006, so there's enough to read and learn. But most of all there's a lot to keep with you to think about.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Laane, I am truly humbled by your write out here. Pardon me I have to apologize though that I am a man. Perhaps, it was the topics which I have touched on, especially about love, that many have mistaken me as a lady.

    Thank you for the kind write up. I have enjoyed reading some of your write ups too as I found them very engaging and close to me too.

    The internet is indeed a very interesting place where people all over the World can be connected through a screen.



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